Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shout-Out to Genealogy and the Kane County (IL) Genealogical Society

KCGSThere was a great article in the Geneva (IL) Republican about genealogy and its popularity.  The Kane County Genealogical Society was also highlighted in the article.  This is so wonderful to see.  And I am especially excited since I have ancestors from Kane County!

You can read the article here.


DNAA few days ago, I caught a quick glimpse of a discussion in a Facebook group about DNA tests and DAR proofs.  I didn’t have much time to read the whole discussion, but the gist was that the DNA results were not accepted as proof, in conjunction with other documentation, all of which clearly identified the woman as a descendant.

Today, I came across an article in the Washington Post about the same topic.  Whether it was the same woman, I’m not sure, as I wasn’t able to relocate the Facebook discussion.  The debate is quite interesting…read for yourself.

New Blog

treeWriting Your Way to the Past is my new blog!  I’ve created this blog in conjunction with my genealogy business.  This blog contains static pages that discuss my experience and services.  The plan is to post a variety of posts including news on my business, genealogy news, and research tips and writing ideas.


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